A historic art form at Saint Peter’s, dance at Saint Peter’s is undergoing a resurgence. In recent years, the program spans contemporary, baroque, folk, and classical dance performances. The community takes great delight in supporting this art form through member-led initiatives that feed the wider culture of performance, and encourage and celebrate their use in the church.
A culture of performance
Notable dancers from New York City’s several significant dance companies first staged performance at Saint Peter’s. Today, a similar effort at formal presentation of dance is underway as well as programs for teaching traditional dances from Latin America and public milongas. Saint Peter’s historical dance community includes connections to dance luminaries such as Ruth Meyer and the late Merce Cunningham, and in recent years has collaborated with professional dancers for performances in non-liturgical and liturgical settings.
Roberto Lara, coordinator of dance at Saint Peter’s, performs in the Sanctuary.
Dance at Saint Peter’s, headed by Roberto Lara, is in a state of reconstruction and rebirth as we physically return to worship spaces, and come to imagine proximity and movement in heightened ways. The program has a special focus on classical form and traditional dances of indigenous peoples, and honors the long history of dance as a form of worship.
The narrative of the performance, from a dancer hovering over the water of Saint Peter’s large abstract baptismal font, to bowls of incense continuously encircling the Altar Table in a procession, provides tangible accents to God’s living word through the intentional gestures of the dancer.
Saint Peter’s Church is blessed by a number of professional dancers who are active in the life of the community. This ministry prepares site-specific choreography informed by the Sanctuary and our liturgical celebrations. As we witness the beauty of movement and form, Saint Peter's is committed to presenting dance in sacred settings.
The endless creativity of many gifted artists enriches the liturgy of Saint Peter’s Church. Persons interested in offering such gifts should contact the church office.