Join Us

The status of in-person gatherings has undergone many iterations over the years. The current focus is a return to in-person liturgies while maintaining an online presence and commitment to our community.



Interested in learning more or joining Saint Peter’s? Send us an email!

Edgar Guerrero, Parish Secretary



Saint Peter's has two entrances, one on Lexington Avenue, and the other on 54th Street. Both are wheelchair accessible. The three main floors of the church are accessible by elevator. Wheelchair accessible bathrooms are accessible on Lower Level 1. Lower Level 2 is closed for construction.


Parking is available at Icon Parking, 136 E 51st Street, located on the south side of 51st Street between Third Avenue and Lexington Avenue. For a discounted rate of $15 for up to three hours of parking, please take a ticket (not a QR code) from the garage and receive a stamp from the reception desk. This rate is available for weeknight meetings and Sunday services

Space is subject to and based on availability. Oversized vehicles 181" or longer and 70" or higher (or 75" high regardless of length) are an additional $10.

For more options, see





Saint Peter's is a welcoming and progressive church, a Reconciling in Christ parish of the ELCA.

We are a bilingual English-speaking and Spanish-speaking community. We are Brown, Black, White and more. We are persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Some of us hold citizenship, others of us are Dreamers, asylees or seeking documentation.



10:30 a.m. — Mass
An English-language mass with scripture, prayer and music. We encourage you to join us in-person.

Join us from home at Stream / Facebook / YouTube.

1:00 p.m. — Misa
A Spanish-language mass with scripture, prayer and music. We encourage you to join us in-person.

Join us from home at Stream / Facebook / YouTube.

5:00 p.m. — Jazz Vespers
A unique prayer service featuring a variety of jazz musicians, a tradition at Saint Peter’s since 1965.

Join us in-person or from home at Stream / Facebook / YouTube.



FAQs / In-person liturgies

How do I attend a liturgy in-person?

Saint Peter's is located in Midtown East, a neighborhood of Manhattan, New York, as is accessible by subway, bus, car, bike, and foot. Our list of liturgies, including services in English, Spanish, and both, can be found via our events calendar.

Where are liturgies being held?

As of December 8, 2022, liturgies are held in the Sanctuary. With significant refurbushments and much-needed structurally updates, our Sanctuary has been in differing states of use over the years since the water main break in January 2021. Saint Peter's is still undergoing continual renovations, including the tuning of the Klais organ and the restoration of Louise Nevelson's seminal work, the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.

How do I enter Saint Peter’s?

The main entrain is on 54th St., between Lexington and Third. There is another entrance on Lexington Avenue, just south of 54th street. Level with the entrance to the 53rd and Lexington subway station is our plaza entrance that leads directly into the Sanctuary.

When can I arrive?

Doors will open 30 minutes prior to each liturgy. Please make every effort to arrive within this 30 minute window.

How long is the liturgy?

Mass is around an hour. Jazz Vespers will be approximately 50 minutes in length. Each liturgy’s anticipated length allows us to clean and reset between each liturgy.

How will I receive the eucharist?

The common cup and Eucharist are available for those who wish to receive.

How do I give my offering?

A basket will be available when you enter the Church in which you can place your offering. During the Spanish-language Mass, the basket is also passed between members during the service for the opportunity to give. Alternatively, you can send your offering to Saint Peter’s Church, 619 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, 10022, or electronically through our website. Thank you.

Can I bring my children?

Yes, children are welcome.

What if I have a question that is not answered here?

For further questions, please contact Edgar Guerrero, Parish Secretary, at



Parish Life

For more information on the parish events, see here.


Saint Peter’s is “home” — a parish — for many people. Gathering at 54th and Lexington Avenue brings joy and a sense of belonging to life in the city.

We offer a mix of mostly in person and online small groups and activities for children and adults.

A variety of recovery programs meet regularly at Saint Peter’s Church. While the nature of many of these programs is to be independent of any host organization, Saint Peter’s Church is privileged to be a place where so many people continue along the road of healing and wholeness.

Saint Peter’s Church is committed to accompanying people through recovery processes. Pastors are available for conversation, as are all the resources of the church: its prayer and liturgies, renewing community and opportunities for service.