Kid's Summer Camp | POSTPONED




For the Healing of the City – Summer Day Camp
Saint Peter’s Church

Revelation 22:2b – “On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”

New York City has gained many new neighbors, many of whom are immigrant minors seeking a new home in the United States. These children and youth have experienced traumatic things in their short lives, and we seek to remind them that God desires their healing. The many, longer-settled families who are a part of our community also desire hope as they make room for new neighbors all the while coming to terms with all that has changed since the pandemic. Saint Peter’s Church is committed to a Summer Day Camp event that will bring newcomers and already-known friends together. We will focus on the theme of God’s healing in our city.

We invite all interested participants to register. If you wish to volunteer time or resources, please contact Rev. David at

If you are able to help off-set the cost of the Day Camp for Campers, which we try to make free of charge to Campers, please make a gift to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. Depending on the number of Campers who register, an offset of $1,500 to $2,500 is needed. Click here to make a gift and indicate “Summer Day Camp” in the notes line of the donation form.

Saint Peters