June 19, 2021 Congregational Meeting Recap

The Congregation gathered for an Annual Meeting on June 19 at 10:00 AM. It adopted seven Guideposts for Phase Two of our strategic planning process; elected Julia Nielson and Uriel Garcia to three-year terms on the Parish Council; and elected John Mostenan to a four-year term on the Saint Peter’s Trust. The Congregation thanked Andrew Hartman, Susan Gargiulo, Chris Hammer (remaining on Parish Council but stepping down as Treasurer) and Christopher Vergara for their faithful service.

Following the Meeting of the Congregation, the Parish Council met with its newly-elected members and in accordance with the Saint Peter’s Constitution elected the following officers: Suzanne Loranc, President; Lidia Gallardo, Vice President; Barbara Scaturro, Secretary; Craig Kahler, Treasurer.

Saint Peters