Congregational Meeting of June 18, 2022

Dear Members of Saint Peter’s,

This is a reminder that our Annual Congregational Meeting is Saturday, June 18 at 10:00AM. If you have not yet submitted an RSVP for this meeting, please do so here.

Below, please find the agenda. Partway through this meeting we will need to change interpreters, requiring us to pay special attention to making sure we run on time. And so I ask all of us to be mindful of the times we are allotting to each agenda item. Some persons often have extensive questions, which we are glad to receive in advance or have further conversation about at the close of the meeting.

Note: Materials for applicable agenda items will be hyperlinked here as soon as they are finalized. Click on the item to open.

10:00 Call to Order

10:02 Opening Prayer

10:05 FY 2023 Budget
Action: Adoption of FY 2023 Budget.

10:20 Nominations and Elections
Report of the Nominating Committee
Action: Election of Members of the Parish Council
Action: Election of Members of Saint Peter’s Trust

10:45 Thanksgivings

10:55 Closing Prayer

11:00 Adjournment
** NOTE: The Parish Council meets immediately following adjournment.

As you can see, we have a full agenda. Mindful of everyone’s time, including the time of our interpreters, we will conduct our business with an efficiency similarly to our last few Congregational meetings. For those who wish to engage in more in-depth conversation, please plan to join an information session on Saturday, June 11 at 10:00AM. RSVP for this session here.

Thank you for your participation in this important part of our life together as the body of Christ.

In Christ,

Suzanne Loranc

Saint Peters