Please join the Saint Peter’s Action and Social Justice Cabinet in our 2021 Advent Solidarity campaign "I SHELTER YOU" which will provide coats to vulnerable members of our community this holiday season. We are asking for 75 new coats (40 in size M and 35 in size L) total.

The coats that we are collecting will benefit construction workers waiting to be hired for a job site at a regular location in Queens. In English we tend to use the phrase Day Workers. This time of year, especially, these coats are crucial both as people are waiting in the cold but then also for their work, largely outside on construction sites. We’ve had a connection with these people for some time, especially through the COVID19 food distribution network.
There are two ways to donate:

  • Click HERE to find our Amazon wish list, purchase a coat from this list and have it delivered to Saint Peter’s Church.

  • Purchase a coat elsewhere and drop it off at the Church on Sundays between 9:30am and 5:00pm.

Saint Peter's Church
619 Lexington Avenue 
New York, NY 10022

The deadline for donations is Sunday, December 19th. Coats will be delivered on December 21st as Christmas gifts. Please be advised that as generous as a gently used donation would be, for health and safety reasons we are only accepting new coats.
Thank you for your generous support and for helping keep our community warm this season!

In Christ,

Margie Clark

Fabián Arias

Pri Chavez Lara
DIrector of Parish Life and Action

Saint Peters