Annual Report

2022: A Year of Healing and Renewal


This past year was filled with nothing but increased momentum. From the first look at plans for the rebuilding of Lower Level II to the replanting of our front garden in memory of those we lost to COVID19, we are experiencing healing and renewal.


From the President

Damage to our building by the broken city water main pipe delayed our ability to gather together in person. And while many other communities reopened before we did, we have been catching up.

We know healing and renewal are not immediate, but are undertaken bit by bit and with perseverance — perseverance of no single individual but an entire community. Of the many things we can say about all who call Saint Peter’s home, this is the most significant: we are dedicated. Dedicated to the mutual well-being fostered in this place. Dedicated to our neighborhood. Dedicated to the city we love.

—Suzanne Loranc, President

From the Clergy

Your dedication and your commitment to this community is inspiring. Whether you connect to Saint Peter’s through one of our food distribution programs or our immigration clinic; if you are a partner organization or a member of the community supporting this place; whether you are a member of this Church or if you come to Saint Peter’s from time to time — it is a gift to be part of this journey, together.

This past year our journey included an emphasis on in-person activities, while also continuing to offer online access. We know that people from New York, across the Metropolitan area, in the United States and Latin America, and around the globe are touched in some way, shape, or form by Saint Peter’s. And, we are touched by you. We have many challenges ahead, but we are blessed to undertake them together! 

—Pastor Fabián Arias, Diaconal Fellow Erin Brown, Pastor Jared R. Stahler

Administration and Finance

After months and months of planning, it is a gift to see so many projects moving forward. Now that scaffolding is down, it is heartening to see our skylights and the exterior of our building once again. The ongoing support of members and friends is also inspiring: stewardship, special gifts and volunteers make our renewal possible.

—Sarah Lilley, Administration & Finance


Action and Social Justice

As the needs of members, friends and neighbors only increase, so too does our commitment. We are coming together to provide mutual aid, accompaniment and more.

—Margie Clark, Action & Social Justice


Parish Life

Our parish life is expanding and overflowing with new life. From the first-ever summer day camp of our newly-merged church to the in-person Bible studies beginning to be held, we are connecting to people we’ve missed these past few years and to new people, alike.

—Victor Beauchamp, Parish Life


Liturgy and the Arts

While there is nothing as inspiring as our Sanctuary, we experienced renewal in gathering together in our Living Room for liturgies. Our arts programming is bringing healing to people, too.

—Betty Jackson, Liturgy & the Arts



Thank you for your generosity!

Saint Peter’s depends on the generosity of parishioners, friends and benefactors. Your gift is an important and reliable way to be a part of Saint Peter’s continued commitment to the wellbeing of New York City and many who call it home.

For additional ways to support Saint Peter’s Church, please contact Sarah Moga, Director of Administration and Development, at