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Judaism, Jesus and Emergent Christianity: An Advent Series

Sunday forums take place at 10:00 A.M. in the Plaza Room of Saint Peter's Church.

Forums feature lively and open discussions about scripture, current issues and other topics of interest. In an effort to build understanding, awareness and appreciation of a variety of ways of speaking about God, forums often take on the perspectives of multiple faiths and traditions.

Conversations are led by a pastor, a person from Saint Peter's Church sharing experience or expertise, and outside speakers, often integrating art and literature.

All are welcome.

Judaism, Jesus and Emergent Christianity: An Advent Series
Dr. Dennis Raverty

November 24
Jewish Mysticism and Messianism at the Time of Jesus: An overview of Jewish understandings of the Mashiach (i.e. Messiah), Logos, and Shekhina from the 1st century B.C.E. through the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E. and its 2nd-century aftermath.

December 8
The Essenes and Recent New Testament Scholarship: An overview of recent Jewish scholarship on the New Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

December 15
Jewish Christians and Christian Jews: The fate of various Jewish followers of Jesus, Jewish Christians in the synagogues, and the emergent church from the time of Paul through the Council of Nicaea (4th century).