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Intertwined by Ana Vallejo

Image courtesy of the artist.

Image courtesy of the artist.


I like to think of the point as the smallest particle from which everything else builds, and the sphere, which has no beginning and no end, as elements that remind us of our changing universe – and our evolving nature. My work in the last few years has been an exploration of boundaries, symmetry, and silence. It is also a meditation on the idea that every being is a microcosm of the entire universe, ever changing and expanding, altering old forms and creating new ones.

Presented by Midtown Arts Common and curator Nicoline Strom-Jensen. On display in the Living Room gallery. A RECEPTION WITH THE ARTIST HAS BEEN POSTPONED, DATE TBD.

"Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance" - Nikola Tesla

Like portals unfolding in space and time, the paintings of Ana Vallejo invite us to think about limits: the ones we project for ourselves, and our capacity to extend beyond them. They invite us into meditative spaces where the boundaries we often draw for ourselves become expansive and permeable.

We will all find different meanings as we gaze into these abstract representations. How do they relate to our interior landscape, our relationship to the cosmos, and our existence in the natural world? In the Middle Ages scientists believed that the planets revolved in their spheres, held in balance by an invisible musical harmony. Are we, in our outer and inner worlds, in tune with this harmony? Ana’s paintings, ask us to step out of ourselves and think of the vast mysteries that lie beyond us and inside of us.


Ana Vallejo is a Columbian artist now living in New York City. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota. She is a student of yoga and meditation. Ana has been attending The Art Students’ League for the last three years, working under the mentorship of Bruce Dorfman.