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Amandus J. Derr 45th Anniversary of Ordination Concert

For All That Has Been — Thanks!

For twenty two years, the people of Saint Peter’s Church have been blessed by the faithful and visionary pastoral leadership of the Rev. Amandus J. Derr. This servant of the church has not only presided and preached at liturgies, baptized our children and buried our loved ones, he has led this community to embrace new ideas, establish new partners in mission and dream new dreams. His is an insatiable commitment to possibility.

The people, staff and students of Grace Church and School; the staff and directors of Wartburg; clergy colleagues; seminary classmates — no matter the partners in ministry or the places in which his ministry has taken shape, Pastor Derr’s spirit has enlivened us all. As Pastor Derr retires, I invite you to celebrate the remarkable ministry he has offered the church. Specifically, I invite you to participate in a Forty-Fifth Anniversary of Ordination Celebration.

A gala concert featuring:

The Saint Peter's Bach Collegium and Choir
World Premiere of a Cantata composed for this occasion by Cantor Balint Karosi.

The Ike Sturm Ensemble
World Premiere of a work for jazz ensemble and vocalist, composed for this occasion by Director of Music for Jazz, Ike Sturm.

The Sion Ensemble
Under the direction of Director of Music for Sion Iglesia Luterana, Guillermo Vaisman.

Dance at Saint Peter's
Performing works choreographed by Dance at Saint Peter's Director Roberto Lara. Featuring Erin Gallagher, Estefano Gil, Ann Kelly, and Hanna Oldsman. With art and costumes painted by Chellis Stoddard Baird.

Creative Proclamations
A special spoken-word performance by this Saint Peter's group led by Wayne Britton.