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Holy Week Schedule

Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection is the vibrant center of our lives of faith and of everything Saint Peter’s Church is and does. Everyone whom we serve or host; all whom we welcome; our lay leaders; the members of parish choir, Jazz4All, Creative Proclamations and our entire staff know that nothing has precedence over all we do on Passion (Palm) Sunday, in Holy Week; for the Great Three Days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Saturday’s Easter Vigil; and on Easter Sunday.

This year, as we all practice social distancing in our homes apart from one another physically, we will continue to support each other and join together virtually, online. Here is what we have planned for this most important week of the year.

Passion (Palm) Sunday

Today's Facebook broadcast is at 11:00 a.m. on the Saint Peter's Facebook page, featuring:

  • Jazz Mass Palm Sunday procession.

  • A new sermon recorded by Pastor Derr.

  • A new hymn recording by Cantor Karosi.

Monday through Wednesday in Holy Week

  • Pastor Derr will give a noon prayer service live on Facebook each day.

  • We will send emails each morning with the texts of the day (readings and prayers), with links to video each day as follows:

    • Monday in Holy Week: Magnificat from Ike Sturm.

    • Tuesday in Holy Week: Newly recorded Psalm 71 from Ike Sturm.

    • Wednesday in Holy Week: From Depths of Woe video from Balint Karosi.

The Three Days: Holy Thursday

  • Today, we have a 12:00 noon Zoom call -- open to all -- with:

    • Confession and forgiveness / hand (instead of foot) washing.

    • Live music from Ike Sturm.

    • A communal lunch.

The Three Days: Good Friday

  • Today, we present a 12:00 noon Facebook broadcast of the Saint Matthew Passion.

    • Translations will be posted in the notes, and Cantor Karosi will offer comments in real time.

    • The Passion will begin with a video prayer and introduction from Pastor Derr.

    • We will send an email in the morning with the bulletin.

The Three Days: The Great Vigil of Easter

  • This day you will receive an email with a text meditation on the Easter Vigil and a link to an audio recording of the Exsultet by our own Sarah Moga.

The Resurrection of Our Lord: Easter Sunday

  • Today's Facebook broadcast includes Ralph Vaughan Williams' Mystical Songs.

  • A new sermon from Pastor Derr.

  • A newly recorded Easter hymn from Cantor Karosi.

  • Newly recorded music from Ike Sturm.

All Facebook events will take place on the Saint Peter's Facebook page HERE.

If you would like to receive the emails described above and are NOT already on our email list, please sign up using the form at the bottom of every page on this website. Thank you!