Christmas Decorating Fund 2020


Christmas Decorating

A very special thank you to those who gave gifts to decorate Saint Peter's Church for Christmas.
Muchas gracias a ellos que dieron dones para decorar la Iglesia Saint Peter’s para la Navidad.

Pat Almonrode & Susan Gargiulo
Luz Astudillo
Ro Baker
Lewis and Jill Bernard in memory of Dr. Carol Petito
Watson Bosler
Wayne Britton
Peg Bunke
Juliana Capinera
Ace and Margie Clark
Maria Del Toro and Stan Rustin
Jocelyn Jones
Bradley Knueppel in memory of his teacher and friend, Ruth Jandard

The Knueppel and Warner Family in memory of Dr. Dan Knueppel: husband, dad, and Papa; and in memory of Caroline and Walker Peterson and the Rev. Daniel and Helen Knueppel

Elaine Kosseff
Kit Kreilick
Marion Oppelt
John and Elaine Pascu
Ralph U. Price
Pamela Rausch and David Hottenroth
Dorothy E. Reid
Theresa Rochford
Catherine Russell
Susan Sturm
Carol and David Trower
Ed and Carolyn Wagner

Additional gifts are welcome and will be acknowledged here.
Send a check addressed to Saint Peter's with "Christmas Decorating" in the memo.

Los dones adicionales son bienvenidos y serán reconocidos aquí.
Envía un cheque a Saint Peter’s con la nota “Christmas Decorating”.

Saint Peter's Church
619 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022

MembersSaint Peters