Posts in Members
Around the Table - 10.31.2020

As a parent of two little children during this pandemic, the days get incredibly hectic and it is very easy to just want to get through the next lesson, the next household chore, the next diaper — and the next dinner! / Como una madre de dos niños pequeños durante esta pandemia, los días se vuelven increíblemente agitados y es muy fácil querer pasar por la próxima lección, la próxima tarea doméstica, el próximo pañal -- y la próxima cena!

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MembersSaint Peters
Around the Table - 10.17.2020

Our family dinners embody the idea of faith -- complete trust or confidence in someone or something. We all have faith that the five of us will be able to sit down to a home-cooked meal and that our time around the table will be filled with conversations about our days at school/work, talk about current events, and recognizing accomplishments, both large and small.

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MembersSaint Peters