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The Three Days: Good Friday - Liturgy of the Cross


Language: English and Spanish

Join us for the 6:30 p.m. bilingual Solemn Liturgy of the Cross broadcast from home. This is the most solemn and subdued liturgies of the church year, and as such you may wish to prepare simply by placing a cross before you. Candles, icons, flowers and other objects return with the festivities of Easter. Members of Saint Peter’s Creative Proclamations present a bilingual reading of the Passion narrative.

About the Three Days: Good Friday

The Three Days (Triduum, in latin) is the church’s singular liturgy of God’s gift of new life in the passion, death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Thursday’s Rite of Reconciliation and Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper leads to Good Friday’s Liturgy of the Cross and then to the celebration of the resurrection at The Great Vigil of Easter.

Jesus is taken by the Roman army to Golgotha, a garbage heap outside Jerusalem’s city wall. He is crucified by them there. Christians mark Good Friday as a moment of life because while in that moment the forces of Empire prevail, God in Christ Jesus refuses to look the other way. Standing with all humanity -- particularly with the maligned and vulnerable -- Jesus redeems even death itself, saying:

“It is finished.” 
--Saint John 19:30

Earlier Event: April 2
Siete palabras de Jesús en la cruz
Later Event: April 2
Via Crucis